The following is a message from the Bioethics Defense Fund regarding the proposed rescission of the regulation entitled, "Ensuring That Department of Health and Human Services Funds Do Not Support Coercive or Discriminatory Policies or Practices in Violation of Federal Law."
Please read, and take action.
Coercing Conscience? YOU have a voice.
Last week, the Obama administration officially declared plans to rescind--get rid of--a healthcare conscience-protecting regulation.
The administration has, as required by law, called for public comment on the proposed plan to get rid of the conscience-protecting regulation, with a deadline of April 9, 2009.
Bioethics Defense Fund is one of the organizations in the Freedom2Care Coalition formed to defend the conscience rights of health care professionals and students. Professionals dedicated to serving the well-being of patients should never be discriminated against for their respect for every human life.
HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS and PRO-LIFE CITIZENS: You have a vitally important opportunity to immediately send a public comment to prevent a critical loss of access to healthcare professionals who are being systematically pressured to violate their consciences.
- Go to to learn more and to send your comment to the administration. Your voice makes a difference.
- Read BDF's 2008 letter that supported the Bush administration's adoption of the conscience-protecting regulation that the Obama administration may rescind after the 30 day public comment period.