Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Information You Need On The Obama Administration's Healthcare Plan

The Bioethics Defense Fund has put together a fact sheet about the Obama backed health care reform bill HR 3200. This website contains information on issues such as federal abortion funding, and end of life, or euthanasia, counseling.

From the website:

Click here to read the HR 3200 amendment that allows government funding of abortions. In reviewing this bill language, the non-partisan concluded that:

"Despite what Obama said, the House bill would allow abortions to be covered by a federal plan and by federally subsidized private plans."

Please visit the Bioethics Defense Fund's website for more information on HR 3200.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Night Shift: How To Get Restful Sleep

Working the night shift (especially in the ER) can be exciting, and challenging. Getting enough sleep when working the night shift can be another challenge. Here are two good articles I've found that have some great suggestions on how to get enough sleep when working the night shift.

Night Shift Workers & Sleep

How to Work Night Shift - wikiHow

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Proposed Rescission of the Consience Clauses

The following is a message from the Bioethics Defense Fund regarding the proposed rescission of the regulation entitled, "Ensuring That Department of Health and Human Services Funds Do Not Support Coercive or Discriminatory Policies or Practices in Violation of Federal Law."

Please read, and take action.

Coercing Conscience? YOU have a voice.

Last week, the Obama administration officially declared plans to rescind--get rid of--a healthcare conscience-protecting regulation.

The administration has, as required by law, called for public comment on the proposed plan to get rid of the conscience-protecting regulation, with a deadline of April 9, 2009.

Bioethics Defense Fund is one of the organizations in the Freedom2Care Coalition formed to defend the conscience rights of health care professionals and students. Professionals dedicated to serving the well-being of patients should never be discriminated against for their respect for every human life.

HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS and PRO-LIFE CITIZENS: You have a vitally important opportunity to immediately send a public comment to prevent a critical loss of access to healthcare professionals who are being systematically pressured to violate their consciences.

  • Go to www.Freedom2Care.com to learn more and to send your comment to the administration. Your voice makes a difference.
  • Read BDF's 2008 letter that supported the Bush administration's adoption of the conscience-protecting regulation that the Obama administration may rescind after the 30 day public comment period.
Watch a video message from USCCB President Cardinal George who explains that "respect for personal conscience. . . ensures our basic freedom from government oppression."


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Acid Base Balance Review

pH 7.35 - 7.45
PaCO2 35 - 45
HCO3 22 - 28

If the pH is opposite the PaCO2, the problem is Respiratory.
Ex. If the pH is low (7.31), and the PaCO2 is high (47) then the problem is Respiratory Acidosis

If the pH trends with the HCO3, the problem is Metabolic.
Ex. If the pH is low (7.31), and the PaCO2 is normal (37), and the HCO3 is low (20), the problem is Metabolic Acidosis

pH 7.50
PaCO2 43
HCO3 45
---> Metabolic Alkalosis, b/c pH trends with the Bicarb

pH 7.30 -> Acidosis
PaCO2 43 -> Normal
HCO3 20 -> Low, but trends with the pH
---> Metabolic Acidosis

Thanks for reading.